About Me

Fountain Inn, South Carolina, United States
I am 28 years old, have two beautiful boys of my own.( Teddy and Christopher). I also have two- soon to be step-children ( Austin and Justin). I am from Easley, SC and a high school graduate that is fixing to go back to school in the medical field. I have finally met my soul mate and hope to marry him in the near future.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Wandering About Hex's....HMMMMM!!!

Have you ever wondered if you really believe in the " HEX "? Well, for the past two years I have seriously been wondering about it. Two years ago, I lost my grandfather whom I was very close to and then in July of this past year I had a miscarriage with twins. Then in August of this past year, I lost my baby brother in a tragic car accident. Yesterday my sister called me to notify me that she was in TN at a hospital in the middle of nowhere with my niece, whom is pregnant with twins. She is only 31 weeks and that's not good.
Well yesterday I went to my sister-n-law's house to see my new nephew and I got upset last night just thinking that my brother would be soooo proud of that beautiful baby right now. Why is life so unfair that the good one's are taken from us? Isn't that kindof backwards. Why rid us of the good one's when the drug addicts and murderers and sex offenders are still walking around with their life??? This subject really bothers me. I think about my baby brother every single day and everyone tells me that time will heal the hurt. Well there wrong! To me, time only helps the realism of the situation-not the real pain that you feel for the loss of a loved one. The pain never gets better and it never goes away.
Anyway, I got really upset last night and said a prayer to God and to my brother. Which isnt anything new because since he was taken from us I have talked to him every day. I just really am beginning to wander if my family has a hex or a curse on it! It seems that way. Is anything gonna get any better? God I hope so.
Tonight my sister calls me back to inform me that she is taking my niece back to the hospital due to her contractions have started again. Im really worried about her right now. well I hope everything goes alright tonight with her and the twins. I'll say a prayer for them tonight.
Sorry that it has taken me a few days to blog again but I have got so much going on right now that Im lucky to even be thinking right. Things are just kinda hectic at times around here and I've been thinking alot about going back to school. If I go back to school then I'm not sure that we can afford for me to, but on the other hand I keep telling myself that if i don't go now- I'll put it off forever and I'll never go like I want to. What to do? Hell if I know! If ya have any comments on the subjects listed above then I'd love to hear them. As for now, Im gonna sign off for tonight and go take some medicine for my nerves and go relax for a while. Look forward to hearing from you guys again. By th eway I'm gonna try to post this pic of all 4 boys on this blog. Hope it works. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Sunny said...

Yeah, I know what ya mean about the curses and this family sweetie but then I think about all the blessings we have received as well.....the multiple times Clay had a close call and DIDN'T leave us- gave us more time with him on this and TJ almost dying but a chance of fate sending you to a doctor who KNEW what was wrong and caught it in time to get you to an emergency C-section
in time to save you and your sweet TJ. The 10 times I have been in an auto accident and should have died, but for a guardian angel sitting on my shoulder watching out for me, me almost losing Frank when he was born but having a great team of doctors and nurses who knew what to do to save him.
The doctors working valiantly with Dad to keep him with us as long as we possibly could. Tee and Ninas cancers being caught in time to save them.
It doesn't take away the pain we are going thru having lost the ones we love....but it does make it a bit easier knowing we had that extra time with them because we do have some blessings.
I love you baby girl...