About Me

Fountain Inn, South Carolina, United States
I am 28 years old, have two beautiful boys of my own.( Teddy and Christopher). I also have two- soon to be step-children ( Austin and Justin). I am from Easley, SC and a high school graduate that is fixing to go back to school in the medical field. I have finally met my soul mate and hope to marry him in the near future.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Verge of a Nervous Breakdown....but who cares???

I finally got to see my brother Frank, his wife Marie , and there cute little one's on Sat. It made me feel a little better but not much cause I just felt worse leaving. I am no longer working on top of all things and to tell you the truth of the matter-Im too stressed out to work. But I have put in applications today--thanks for the info Tee.
You know how when you have been in a cockroach infested place and you turn the light on on them and they all scatter and never gather back up??? well that's what my family did after my daddy died 2 years ago and they have stayed that way. I talk to 2 of my family members on a somewhat regular basis---my mom, and Tee- my sister. Thats sad. I did however get one thing that was good on friday....I got my court date for my divorce . Its April 3rd . Yeh. Thank you for that blessing God. My oldest son is on spring break this week for 10 days---HELP> I did get my med.s back today and have been taking them the correct way this time. So im trying to eliminate things one thing at a time. I feel a nervous breakdown coming soon. Im not exagerating either. Things are that bad. Even though I try not to show it much. Gotta say goodbye for now gotta put kids in the bed now. Marie if you read this - I'll bring TJ down for a couple days to spend the night with Devon probably on Weds. He has a doctors appointment at 10:30 and after that I'll bring him down there. I promised him and devon. LOve yall.


Sunny said...

I care Baby, Girl.

Give your meds a chance to get back in your system and theings wont seem so desperately bleak.
You'll be able to think a bit clearer and something will come up to help things work out.

On the upside- looks like you're gonna be getting a new job and going back to school like you was hoping and praying for!

And yes- Thank Tee so very much for being there for us ALL these past few months.
She's a great sis and friend, don't you agree??

I love you baby girl...hang in there!!!!!


Sunny said...

Ahem.....I don't mean to be pushy or anything....but WHEN you gonna post again, Baby Girl?